[APD 2018: Social Enterprise Mutual Aid Fund] Korea Central Council of Social Enterprise Mutual-aid Fund

ESS Organizaciones
Social Finance / Impact Measurement
Public Policy / Legal Framework

Presented at: Asia Policy Dialogue, Thematic Dialogue Group 2. Funding from communities, Seoul 2018

Organisation: Korea Central Council of Social Enterprise(KOSE) Mutual-aid Fund 

Date: July 6th, 2018 

PresenterMs. Sun Young Kim (Team Manager) 

Contact: zest0917@gmail.com


  • The Korean Central Council of Social Enterprises (KOSE) is a network of social enterprises, non-profit, independent from the government. The uniqueness of the mutual aid fund is that it helps oneself. It provides loans to businesses and employees in social enterprises.
  • The function of the social enterprise mutual fund is that it provides funds for small social enterprises. The aid enables social enterprises to achieve self-reliance rather than depending on external resources.
  • The future development of the mutual-aid fund includes membership expansion, a variety of products, legal framework, and organizational independence.
  • The issue of the mutual aid fund includes the inflexibility of public matching funds, maximizing impacts and scaling up through mixed-finance, designing mixed finance and empowerment of intermediary organization as the matchmaker between funds and social enterprises, and better policy coordination among departments.