[APD 2018: Key Challenges for social finance scheme fit to the growth among social economy enterprises] PhilSEN

ESS Organizaciones
Social Finance / Impact Measurement
Youth / Education
Governance / Eco-system
Public Policy / Legal Framework

Presented at: Asia Policy Dialogue, Regional Dialogue Group 2. Northeast Asia, Seoul 2018

Organisation: Philippine Social Enterprise Network (Philippine PhilSEN)  

Date: July 6th, 2018 

PresenterMr. Gomer Padong (Advocacy Director) 

Contact: gomerpadong@gmail.com


  • Regarding the social enterprises in the Philippines, there has been a lot of engagement from the youth, there is a growing number of incentivizing social economy actors, and there is an estimate of 164,473 social enterprises in the Philippines.
  • The top three constrains of social enterprise in our country are finance, human resources, and policy.
  • Many corporations and even government banks often prefer to pay sanctions rather than support the social economy.