[GSEF2016]: E-carrier bikes and smart mobility: mobility for all

Gobierno local
Urban & Rural Regeneration / Community
Future of Work / Technology
Public Policy / Legal Framework

Presented at:  GSEF2016 Montreal 

Organisation: the City of Leipzig, Office for Urban Regeneration and Residential Development (Government and public agency)

Date:  September 7, 2016

Presenter:  Beate Ginzel (Head of Division)

Contacts:   beate.ginzel@leipzig.de


The city of Leipzig is one of the partner cities of the EU-Consortium Triangulum, one of the first consortia in the EU Horizon 2020: Smart Cities and Communities. In this context, the city selected Leipzig West, an urban district with social and economic development, the laboratory for urban smart strategies. The city's Office currently develops this integrative and transdisciplinary strategy for Urban Regeneration and Residential Development (ASW) in a local consortium with the municipal subsidiaries, local enterprises and the urban society. Smart projects are focused on new cross-sectoral collaboration, economic models and civil initiatives in the area mobility eg The development and identification of smart Projects in the field of action mobility takes place in the course of an integrative participation process with future forums (decision-making level, Trans-sectoral and transdisciplinary) and future labs (working groups, trans-sectoral and transdisciplinary) involving the municipality, local economy and civil society.