[GSEF2016]: DAFA program: An innovative partnership for the development and access to a diploma of aptitudes for leisure activity providers

ESS Organizaciones
Youth / Education

Presented at : GSEF2016 Montreal

Organisation :  Conseil québécois du loisir (SSE organization),  Ville de Laval (Government and public agencies)

Date : September 7, 2016

Presenter :  Ms. Sonia Vaillancourt (Development Manager),  Ms. Letellier Janique ( Division Head - Lavallois 1-2 Municipal Office Culture, Leisure, Sport and Local Development Services)

Contacts :  svaillancourt@loisirquebec.com, j.letellier@ville.laval.qc.ca

Summary :

The Québec City Council and the Association Québec Municipal Leisure Association, one of the seven partners of the DAFA Program will present different examples of innovative cooperation between social economy organizations and municipalities in terms of the Conditions that allowed for their realization and the challenges faced. Based on a collaborative development and management process and on decentralized functioning, the DAFA Program is recognized by all national leisure organizations. The flexibility granted to the organizations allows them to adapt the program to the needs of each environment. Already more than 22,000 young people are enrolled, and almost 350 municipalities and local organizations offer this training. This standard is implemented, in all regions in Quebec, in order to ensure the quality and safety of the activities carried out in leisure infrastructure.