[GSEF2016]: Shaping the strategic direction of the Liverpool City region social economy

ESS Organizaciones
Governance / Eco-system
Public Policy / Legal Framework

Presented at : GSEF2016 Montreal

Organisation : University of Liverpool (Academic Institution), Social Enterprise Network (SSE organization)

Date : September 8, 2016

Presenter :  Ms. Rosie Jolly (Mayoral Lead for Social & Community Enterprise / Chief Executive),  Mr. Alan Southern (Co-Director of Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice, University of Liverpool)

Contacts : alan.southern@liverpool.ac.uk, rosie.jolly@sen.org.uk

Summary :

The collaboration between academics and practitioners in the social economy of Liverpool city-region brings together a range of people from the public and private sectors and aims to provide more opportunity for social and economic development in the city-region by stimulating the generation Of new ideas, alternative views and social innovation that can provide greater potential for wealth generation and the basis for fair distribution of resources. The lead actors in this initiative are the Social Enterprise Network, working closely with the Liverpool city Mayor's office, and the Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice based at the University of Liverpool. Critical to this work has been the need for a performative research agenda that places people who work in the social economy at the center of knowledge exchange, policy and practice to shape the strategic direction of the LCR social and solidarity economy.