[GSEF2016]: Creating collectives of food-selling women in the markets of the town of Klouékanmè

ESS Organizaciones
Urban & Rural Regeneration / Community
Governance / Eco-system

Presented at: GSEF2016 Montreal

Organisation: Groupe Béninois d'Economie Sociale et Solidaire (GBESS, SSE organization)

Date: September 8, 2016

PresenterMr. Patrice Lovesse (General director)



The creation of the pre-cooperative collectives in the markets of Klouékanmè is the result of the cooperation between the GBESS (Beninese Social and Solidarity Economy Group) and of the administrative council of city hall. These collectives are perceived as one of the main solutions to the problems facing food-producing women. Co-operative education is provided and preparatory committees have been implemented during the statutory meetings. Moreover, the members of different groups have been given co-operative training.