Habitat III

17-20 October, Quito, Ecuador

Habitat III, the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development will be taking place in Quito, Ecuador from the 17 th  to 20 th  of October. The Habitat III will adopt  the New Urban Agenda  Which will guide the path for the next 20 years' sustainable urban development strategies and Commitments for the cities around the world. Through the Habitat III conference, various side events, special sessions on the urban development issues such as housing, municipal finance, urban resilience and smart cities will be discussed by city representatives and international stakeholders. Also, its implementation plans will be formulated through high-level roundtables scheduled throughout the conference. GSEF will attend the Habitat III this October to continue its efforts of promoting SSE's contribut to the New Urban Agenda. For further details of the forum: visit  the Habitat III website .