ASEC-Philippines Strategic Planning Workshop

21-23 November 2016, Quezon, Philippines

The workshop will discuss strategic plans of utilizing crowdfunding initiatives for financing and providing resources to the MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise) which comprise the 99% of the total number of enterprises in the Philippines.

The main objective of the workshop will be

  1. To launch a crowdfunding facility (CFF) linked to FPSDC's e-cooptrade coop with the signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between ASEC-Philippines and membership-based organizations (cooperatives, people's organizations, Of CFF nationwide. (Please refer to  the e-trade coop website )
  2. To initiate a nationwide campaign aimed at enjoining the participation of membership-based organizations in carrying out the e-cooptrade coop CFF.
  3. To consider the joint effort of ASEC-Philippines and RIPESS Asia / ASEC in promoting the e-cooptrade coop-linked CFF during the ACSC / APF 2017.

The workshop will consist of discussion of the e-trade coop-linked CFF (crowdfunding facility) with RIPESS Asia partner organizations from Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Korea, Thailand & East Timor as well as discussions and field visit.

For registration of the workshop Please send the email to  and you can check out further details of the workshop  here .