[GSEF2016]: Projet SOL for socially responsible food service and socio-professional integration

ESS Organizaciones
Environment / Food
Social Service / Employment

Presented at: GSEF2016 Montreal

Organisation: Projet SOL (SSE organization)

Date: September 8, 2016

PresenterMr. Louis-Simon Larrivée (Executive chef)



Projet SOL is a social economy enterprise created to offer food services inside Espace pour la vie, a group of Montreal institutions that together create a place where nature and sciences are put to the forth. It was formed by a consortium of six food service enteprises, members of the Collectif des entreprises d’insertion du Québec (Collective of Worker-Intergration Enterprises of Québec). Half the jobs of Projet SOL are occupied by people who are following or have completed a professional integration course. To sum up, Projet SOL is an enterprising non-profit; a socially responsible and environmentally aware food service enterprise; the first job opportunity for graduates of socioprofessional work-integration programs; a healthy menu that integrates local, fair and organic products.