[GSEF2016]: The experience of the network of Solidarity Economy public policy managers

ESS Organizaciones
Governance / Eco-system
Public Policy / Legal Framework

Presented at : GSEF2016 Montreal

Organisation : Network of Public Policy Managers Solidarity Economy (Government and public agencies)

Date : September 8, 2016

Presenter :  Ms. Maria da Penha Lage Camargo (Prefeitura Municipal de Joinville / SC)

Contacts :  mpenhacamargo@gmail.com

Summary :

The Brazilian Network of Solidarity Economy Public Policy Managers was developed by public policy managers in response to pressure from solidarity economy workers to provide adequate responses for this sector that is increasingly important in generating jobs and promoting local development. The Network of Solidarity Economy Public Policy Managers are formed by managers of municipal, state and federal level. It aims to facilitate interaction and organization in favor of the SSE, to propose governmental public policies, to contribute to the proposals and actions developed by government agencies for the SSE and to implement joint projects for the promotion and development of the solidarity economy. The Network participates in the Brazilian Solidarity Economy Forum to stimulate partnerships between the three levels of government and other public agencies responsible for social economy policies, such as financial institutions, universities, and research agencies. It also builds partnerships to carry out activities and common projects of the network, such as the training of the public actors.