[GSEF2016]: State of Bahia's public policy for the Social and Solidarity Economy

Gobierno local
Governance / Eco-system
Public Policy / Legal Framework

Presented at: GSEF2016 Montreal

Organisation: Superintendenica de economia solidaria da secretaria do trabalho, emprego, renda e esporte -Governo de Bahia (Government and public agencies)

Date: September 8, 2016

PresenterMs. Tatiana Reis (Coordinator)



The presentation will present a public policy initiative for the SSE economy developed in the state of Bahia. Developed in response to mobilization from the SSE movement in the state and implemented with the participation of civil society since 2007, it has benefited thousands of workers by structuring and institutionalizing policies through the creation of specific legal frameworks, reinforcing economic rights regarding access to credit and solidarity lending and creating a comprehensive public service framework of credit and technical assistance that is easily accessible and providing direct services to enterprises through funding of thematic projects, such as incubators, support to networks of social enterprises, solid waste, black entrepreneurship etc.