Sessions Overview

Thematic Session

Day Host Organization Session Title presentation material Organization Place
Nov,18 GSEF 2014 Seoul Organizing Committee, School Co-operative Bureau Social Economy and Education Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education  Taepyeong hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
The Co-operative College 
Ministry of Education Malaysia 
Doksan High School
Hanshin University
iCOOP Co-opreative Development Center
Nov,19 Korea Social Investment Social Investment (Social Impact Bond) Social Finance UK Taepyeong hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Institute for Child Success, New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Korea Capital Market Institute
Asian Venture Philanthropy Network(AVPN))
Bloomberg Associates
Seoul Metropolitan Council
Seoul Support Center for Children’s grouphome
The Hope Institute
Nov,19 Seoul Community Support Center
Seoul Social Economy Center
The strategy of assets making  for a growth of local community Community Links (Locality) Multipurpose Room
(Seoul City Hall, 8F)
Tokyo-to Setagaya City
Nov,19 UN TF on SSE
UNDP Seoul Policy Center
GSEF 2014 Seoul Organizing Committee

Social Economy and the Role of the International Organizations UNDP Seoul Policy Centre Basurak Hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Research Coordinator on Socially Sustainable Development, UNRISD
Nov,19 GSEF 2014 Seoul Organizing Committee,
Association of Korean Local Governments for Social Economy and Solidarity
Social Economy and the Role of Local Government Chantier de l'économie sociale Conference Room
(Seoul City Hall, 3F)
 Basque Government, Spain
 Home Affairs Bureau, Hong Kong, China
City of Kawasaki, Japan
Ministry of Labor, Republic of China (Taiwan)
City of Montreal, Quebec, Canada
City of Bologna, Italy
London Borough of Lambeth, London, United Kingdom
Jongno-gu, Seoul 
Seongbuk-gu, Seoul
Dobong-gu, Seoul
Gwanak-gu, Seoul
Geumcheon-gu, Seoul

Breakout Session

Day Host Organization Session Title presentation material Organization Place
Nov,17 GSEF 2014 Seoul Organizing Committee
British Council Korea
Asia Policy Dialogue on the Social Economy British Council Malaysia Seoul Innovation Park
(Seoul Social Economy Center)
Bandung Creative City Forum
Ministry of Labor
Bandung Creative City Forum
Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre
Home Affairs Bureau
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Florence 
Quezon City
Philippines Social Enterprise Network
Senior Policy Advisor to Governor, Bangladesh Bank
Asia Venture Philanthropy Network
Thai Social Enterprise Office
Grameen Telecom Trust
Social Enterprise Insights
City of Kawasaki
Social Enterprise Alliance Malaysia
Myanmar Resource Development Institute
Seoul Metropolitan Government
Nov,18 Social Enterprise Support Network
Dongcheon Public Interest Foundation
Pro Bono as Social Resources Taproot Foundation Multipurpose Room
(Seoul City Hall, 8F)

Thomson Reuters Foundation
Nov,18 Ethical Fashion Network Establishment of ethical fashion industry cluster Manufacture New York Basurak Hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Nov,18 Hankyoreh Economic
Research Institute
Social Economy and Sharing Economy Higashiyama Artists Placement Service (HAPS) Workshop Room
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Seoul Metropolitan Government
Creative Commons Korea
Ritsumeikan University
Nov,18 Seoul Council of Social Enterprise Social Economy Ecosystem of Urban Regions and the Role of Social Enterprise Association National University of Education Seoul City Hall, 4F, Seosomun Annex
Seoul Council of Social Enterprise/Travelers' MAP
Korea Microcredit Joyful Union
Nov,18 Asia NGO Innovation Summit (ANIS)
The Hope Institute / Intel Asia
Social Innovation in Asia: Technology Strategy and Leadership Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN ) Seoul CreativeLab
(Seoul Innovation Park, 1F)
Intel China 
Lien Center
Seoul Metropolitan Government, Information system Planning Bureau
Nov,18 Korea-Japan Youth Forum, Work Together Foundation
Seoul Social Economy Center, Unlimited China (NPI)
Youth Problem, Solved through Social Economy K2 international Japan Seoul Youth Hub
(Seoul Innovation Park, 1F)
Reserved Social Economy Corporation Alchemist
SVPs International
Seoul Council of Social Enterprise
Slug Union
Yooja Salon
Nov,18 Seoul regional Co-operative Association The role of overseas metropolitan co-operative associations Federation of the Trentino Cooperatives Multipurpose Room
(Seoul City Hall, 8F)
Korea Institute for a new society (Saesayon)
Guro District Co-operative Council
Seoul regional Cooperative Association
Nov,18 Korea Council of Fair Trade Organizations (KFTO) Local Sustainable Development and Fair Trade Preda Foundation Basurak Hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Center for International Development Cooperation, CIDEC , Kyung Hee University
Nov,18 HBM Cooperative Management Institute How to develop, strengthen and disseminate workers cooperatives Mondragon Unibertsitatea Workshop Room
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Japan Workers Co-operative Union
Korean Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Nov,19 Seoul Social Economy Network Social Economy in Theory and Practice The Graduate School of Social Innovation Business, Hanshin University Conference Room
(Seoul City Hall, 3F)
Democracy and Economic Development Program, SNUAC (Seoul National University Asia Center)  
Research Forum for Social Economy Organization (RFSEO)
Global Political Economy Institute
Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, Concordia University
Nov,19 The Seoul Institute,
The Urban Agriculture Institute of the Citizens Association of Urban Agriculture,
Eco 11
Urban Agriculture : the Baby Boomer Generation’s Second Life Cropping The Association of Japanese Geographers Workshop Room
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Dosim Senior Center
Dongguk University Ecosystem Service Institute
Nov,19 Seoul Declaration Research Group Japan The Significance and Prospect of the Seoul Declaration Japan Association of "the Seoul Declaration Basurak Hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
City of Setagaya
Japan Society for Cooperative Studies
Korean Society for Cooperative Studies
Nov,19 Social Innovation Exchange (SIX)
Relations between social economy and social innovation Barcelona City Council Workshop Room
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Lambeth Co-operative Council
Nov,19 iCOOP Co-operative Institute The Meaning and Practices of Co-operative 6th Principle “Co-operation among Co-operatives” iCOOP Consumer Activities, Taepyeong hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F
Korean Association of Alternative Workers’ Co-operatives,
Korean Association of Health Social Co-operative
Nov,19 Social Venture Partners Seoul Social Venture Partners and Venture Philanthropy Social Venture Partners  International Basurak Hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Nov,19 Korean Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Seoul Association of Self-sufficiency Promotion Center
Localization strategy and tactics in Social Economy Japan Workers’ Co-operative Union Workshop Room
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)
Nov,19 Green Asia Social Economy and Environment Event Hall
(Seoul City Hall, B2F)