Nouvelles de GSEF
60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome: Social Economy's Contribution to Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion in Europe
The European Parliament's Social Economy Intergroup will hold a debate on 'The Future of Social Economy's Contribution to Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion in the European Union'. The debate is consisted of five big sessions with following speakers below;
Welcome and opening remarks from Georges Dassis, the President of the EESC, and Jens Nilsson, MEP and SEIG Co-President. And keynote speeckes on‘The Social Economy at the Center of an Agenda for the Progress of the European Union' by Jyrki Katainen (European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness), Marie-Christine Vergiat, (MET and SEIG Co-President) , and Juan Antonio Pedreno(The President of Social Economy Europe). Also social economy's contribution to economic, social and territorial cohesion in Europe will be addressed by representatives of REVES, SEIG and MEPs.
You can register this debate by 2nd of March. You can find out programmes of the event here and for any further questions for the event, please contact