• 2014 Inaugural Meeting of the Global Social Economy Forum
    “Solidarity for Change”
    17-19 November 2014, SEOUL
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Meeting Summary

2014 Inaugural Meeting of the Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF 2014)
November 17 - 19, 2014
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Solidarity for Change
Host City and Organization
Seoul metropolitan Government, GSEF 2014 Seoul Organizing Committee
Provisional Secretariat
Seoul Social Economy Center

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Seoul Metropolitan Government and the GSEF 2014 Seoul Organizing Committee cordially invite your city and organization to take part in this global network where we seek collaboration across the border and cooperation for a better world.


GSEF 2013 Highlight


The 2013 Global Social Economy Forum is a venue for sharing ideas and experiences,a place to actively among key counterparts throughout the world.
- Seoul Declaration , 2013

GSEF 2014 Contributors

Partcipant Cities Seoul Metropolitan Government, Gwangju Metropolitan City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Gurye-gun, Bandung City( Indonesia), Bangladesh Bank, Barcelona City(Catalonia), Basque Country,Cabinet Office Social Investment and Finance Team(England), City of Bologna(Italy), City of Kyotango(Japan), City of Montreal(Canada), Curitiba(Brazil), Executive Council of Hong Kong, The Federation of Canadian Municipalities(FCM), Kawasaki City(Japan), Lambeth Council(England), Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre(MaGIC), Malaysian Ministry of Education, Mexico City, Quezon City(Philippines), Setagaya-ku(Japan), State of Quebec(Canada), Thailand Social Enterprise Office(TSEO), Ulan Bator(Mongol), Yogyakarta Special Region
Partcipant Organizations UN TF on SSE, UNRISD, ILO, OECD LEED, Asia Venture Philanthropy Network, Bloomberg Associates, BRAC Social Innovation Lab, Chantier de l'économiesociale, The Co-operative College, Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione, Grameen Telecom Trust, Groupe SOS, The Hong Kong Council of Social Services, Japan Geography Society, Japan Society for Cooperative Studies, Japan Workers' Co-operative Union, Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, K2 International, Lien Center for Social Innovation, Locality (Community Links), Manufacture New York, Mondragon Unibersitatea, Myanmar Development Resource Institute, New York University Wagner Innovation Labs, Oxfam Asia, Philippines Social Enterprise Network, Ritsumeikan University, Seoul Declaration Research Group Japan, Social Innovation Exchange, S-Group, Social Enterprise Alliance Malaysia, Social Enterprise Alliance Malaysia, Social Traders, Social Venture Partners Seattle, Société d’économie mixte d’aménagement de l’Est parisien, Taproot Foundation, Thomson Reuters Foundation, Mondragon Cooperative Corporation, Mont-Blanc Meeting, SATUNAMA

Global Advisory Group




Seoul City Hall
110, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea