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The Scale, Scope and Value of the Liverpool City Region Social Economy

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Heseltine Institute for Public Policy and Practice, University of Liverpool
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Title: The scale, scope and value of the Liverpool City region social economy

Author: Helen Heap, Alan Southern and Matt Thompson


"This research was conducted by Helen Heap of Seebohm Hill and Alan Southern and Matt Thompson from the Heseltine Institute of Public Policy and Practice at the University of Liverpool. It is an independent piece of work, funded through the University and provides an overview of the scale, scope and value of the social economy in the Liverpool City Region, conducted between October 2016 and June 2017. 1.2 The Liverpool City Region has a well-established reputation for social innovation. Our research shows that the social economy has the potential to achieve much more in terms of economic and social value creation. Now is the time to realise this in a new and different approach that sees the social economy as an important part of an inclusive economic growth plan. 1.3 This research shows that there is clearly potential for the Liverpool City Region social economy to generate jobs, GVA (Gross Value Added) and social value. To achieve this the Metro Mayor, Combined Authority, local authority leaders, Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), anchor institutions, such as universities, and large social organisations all have important, but different, roles to play. The following five pages summarise our main findings."