Scottish Expert Advisory Panel on the Collaborative Economy Report

Published: Jan 2018
Publisher: Scottish Government
According to the YouGov survey, 35% of Scottish adults have participated in the collaborative economy. How can the government assist to promote the collaborative economy for benefiting a wider public while creating social values? Along with its ‘Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act’, enacted in 2015 and its formulation of Scotland national ‘Social Enterprise Strategy 2016 – 2026’, the Scottish expert advisory panel has been established (chaired by Helen Goulden CEO of Young Foundation and joined by ScotlandIS, Social Value Lab, Airbnb, Scottish Renewables and VisitScotland) by the Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work to make recommendations to Scottish Ministers on “how Scotland can position itself to take advantage of the opportunities of the collaborative economy and overcome any regulatory, economic and social challenges”. In addition to the report’s policy recommendations concerning regulatory tools, financing and co-creation of eco-systems, the report’s 6th chapter is dedicated to social values that can be created by the collaborative economy, and it is also introducing some of the pioneering collaborative platforms in relatively new and underexplored social domains such as home care services (TrustonTap) which bypasses the traditional care agency model and directly connect care workers to people need of care in Oxfordshire. And (ShareSomewhere) which utilises the Airbnb model for sharing underused community resources (spaces in particular). You can read the full version of the report here. And you may also go through an overview of the European collaborative economy on the dedicated webpage by European Commission here.