ILO Global Dialogue – The Future of Work We Want'6th – 7th Apr, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Labor Organization will host the global dialogue to discuss significant transformations which will create the future workplace. The enhancement of workplace is one of important sectors of social economy in terms of quality and sustainable employment. The organization has recognized that numerous recent changes in the world in terms of climate, demographic, technology, inequality, economic stagnation, and other sectors, will impact on the future workplaces in a long term.
The symposium aims to obtain great understanding of the changes we have been faced with and to develop effective policy responses that shape the future workplaces. The specific sessions of the symposium will be 'wok and society', 'decent jobs for all', 'the organization of work and production', and 'the governance of work'. You can check more information and register here.
New Economy Event – 'Renew, How Do You do that'? 7th Apr, Arnhem, Netherland
The main theme of the event is about construction and participation in the new economy and society. This session is organized by The Great Transition, The Green Business, Netherlands Tilts, Nudge, Social Enterprise NL, and other prominent social enterprises and foundations. The event will include entrepreneurs, managers, policy makers and practitioners from government, business, healthcare, education and other agencies to seek for more impacts on a changing society, utilize entities' talents as well as roles and potentials, and communicate with others.
The event will start with opening plenary and three parallel sessions including 'impact from individual', 'impact from organization', 'impact from coalition', and 'special sessions'. You can register for the event from here and for further information about this event, click the link here (available only in Dutch).
European Summer School on Solidarity Economy – Is it Possible to Foster a Common Agenda for Solidarity Economy in Europe?4th - 8th Sep, Lisbon, Portugal (Registration by 20th Apr)
The term of Solidarity Economy has been used in various countries including Latin America, Portugal, and several countries in Europe. Till now, the term has transformed and it includes Social Economy as well.. This is the combination of collective economic arrangements of production, consumption, trading, credit, in rural or urban areas, social reproduction and well-being from the first part, and the latter social economy includes cooperatives, associations and mutual societies and other terms such as third sector, social enterprises and social entrepreneurship.
The CES Summer School will explore about the common points and the differences about things happening between Southern Europe and other countries of the European continent to highlight the multiplicity and diversity of economic experiences. This Summer School is the one of the first events of the international platform SERESI (Solidarity Economy, Reciprocity and Social Innovation). Please check out more information here. For submitting the application please visit the webpage.
WeGO Smart Sustainable City AwardsOnline application by 14th Apr
WeGO (World e-Government Organization of Cities and Local Governments) is giving the Sustainable City Awards to recongnise and promote the outstanding practices of cities in the field of smart city, innovation and open city. The WeGO Smart Sustainable City Awards aims to encourage the incorporation of innovative ICT technology for the enhancement of administrative efficiency; increase citizen access to public services; and to actively share knowledge on innovative smart and sustainable city strategies.
WeGO accepts submissions from 6 different categories.
- Open city
- Innovative Smart City
- E-Government Service
- Sustainable City
- Digital Inclusion
- Cooperative City
Winners of the awards will be honoured at the the WeGO Smart Sustainable City Awards Ceremony going to be held at the 4th WeGO General Assembly (27th - 30th Jun, Ulyanovsk Region, Russia). For further details of the award and submission click the link here.
8th edition of the Mont-Blanc Meetings6th ~ 8th Dec, Archamps, France
The 8th Mont-Blanc Meetings (now ESS Forum International: International Forum of the Social and Solidarity Economy Entrepreneurs) is going to be held from 6th to 8th December in Archamps. The central theme of the forum is 'Social and Solidarity Economy: The New Efficiency' and diverse aspects of SSE in relation to sustainable development, democratic governance and measuring effectiveness will be addressed through various programmes. For early registration and further information about the forum please reach