60th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome: Social Economy’s Contribution to Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion in Europe7 Mar, Brussels, Belgium
The European Parliament's Social Economy Intergroup will hold a debate on 'The Future of Social Economy's Contribution to Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion in the European Union'. The debate is consisted of five big sessions with following speakers below;
Welcome and opening remarks from Georges Dassis, the President of the EESC, and Jens Nilsson, MEP and SEIG Co-President. And keynote speeckes on‘The Social Economy at the Center of an Agenda for the Progress of the European Union' by Jyrki Katainen (European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness), Marie-Christine Vergiat, (MET and SEIG Co-President) , and Juan Antonio Pedreno(The President of Social Economy Europe). Also social economy's contribution to economic, social and territorial cohesion in Europe will be addressed by representatives of REVES, SEIG and MEPs.
You can register this debate by 2nd of March. You can find out programmes of the event here and for any further questions for the event, please contact contact@socialeconomy.eu.org
SEFORIS Conference - 'Social Entrepreneurship: Inclusion and Innovation in Society’16 - 17 Mar, Brussels, Belgium
SEFORIS; a multi-disciplinary international research projected on social enterprises is hosting a conference on 'Social Entrepreneurship: Inclusion and Innovation in Society'. Funded by European Commission, SEFORIS has conducted a series of research to map out European, Chinses and Russian social enterprise development landscapes. The project is now draws toclose with the final conference by presenting the outcomes of the conducted research. On top of the research outcomes, SEFORIS will provide key policy recommendations for policy makers, government administrations, and social impact investors as well as for social entrepreneurs.
To find out further details of speakers and the programmes please visit the SEFORIS website.
OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum30 - 31 Mar, Paris, France
The OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum - In the Public Interest: Taking Integrity to Higher Standards, has been one of the prestigious forums on anti-corruption and integrity with policy authorities, private sector, civil society and academic sector. Corruption has been one of the main issues which hinders grassroots participation of various sectors in one country. This deprives motivation of creative authorities from social economy as well as social innovation sectors, which work as the central powers to solve social issues. In this sense, the forum will mainly discuss and create a framework of strategies to facilitate sustainable economic growth through policies protected from corruption. The forum aims to provide three main pillars: global platform, multidisciplinary, and innovation. The goal of this forum is to stimulate fair competition and economic growth, reduce the inequality gap, shape a level playing field for business, safeguard the public interest in policy making, and promote trust in government and politics.
You can find more information from the website here, and agenda here. If you have any further information, please contact integrityForum@oecd.org
UCLG Culture Summit 201710 - 14 May, Jeju, Korea
UCLG (United Cities and Local Governments) will hold UCLG Culture Summit 2017 in Jeju Island this coming May. The summit aims to develop and strengthen the role of culture in sustainable development especially through the power of cities and local governments. There will be a lot of opportunities to share knowledge, peer-learning and networking with various authorities from local governments and cities. The forum expects to hold 300 participants from all over the world.
GSEF is in consultation for organizing a session on the social economy and culture during the summit this May. Also the main contents of the forum will include UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the New Urban Agenda (adopted by the Habitat 3rd Conference in Quito 2016) and the Statement of the 2nd World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments (Quito, 2016).
The summit will have plenary sessions, small and thematic parallel sessions, project presentations as well as networking time.
If you have any questions, please visit the website here, or contact to reg@uclg-culturesummit2017.org
Important dates
- Early Registration Due: By March 20th, 2017
- Registration Due: From March 21st to April 14th, 2017
- Hotel Reservation Due: By April 7th, 2017
SIX - The Unusual Suspect Festival 'unlikely connections for social change'14 - 16 Jun, London, UK
SIX (Social Innovation Exchange) and Collaborate are bringing 'The Unusual Suspects Festival' back to London this year, with the support of Lankelley Chase and Nesta. The festival is a unique set of collaborative events with various organizations from different sectors and parts of the world. It provides a place to gather people, and to share enthusiasm for the social changes through collaboration. The design of the festival establishes peace between organizations and people who have not connected each other yet.
In the past three festivals, there have been 1,900 participants over 70 small events with 110 organizations. The model of this festival is different from other festivals since it creates a collaborative approach as well as contents, connects unusual suspects, brings people and organizations from different places of the world, provides case studies through mechanics, process of changes, and breaks the barriers of social innovation.
The deadline for event submission is March 15th, 2017. The website is here. If you have more questions, please contact to events@socialinnovationexchange.org