Young Leaders Forum on SSE: a step towards a sustainable future for African youth!

From October 29 to 31, 2024, the Ivorian political capital Yamoussoukro hosted one of the major events for the future of the Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) in Africa: the Young Leaders Forum on SSE. This event, which brought together young leaders, players from the SSE sector, political leaders and technical and financial partners, was part of a drive to promote social entrepreneurship and innovation in the service of African youth. The theme of the forum was “Cooperative entrepreneurship and social innovation: what policies for sustainable integration of young people in territories?
The event, co-organized by ARDCI ( Assembly of Regions and Districts of Côte d'Ivoire), Abewe and the SSE Youth Hub of the GSEF (Global Forum For Social and Solidarity Economy), in partnership with local and international players, aimed to create a platform for exchange, training and collaboration between young people in Côte d'Ivoire, the public and private sectors, and financial institutions. The initiative also aimed to raise the profile of the SSE as a key sector for inclusive and sustainable development in Africa.
Forum highlights
Over the course of the three days of meetings, a number of activities took place. The forum kicked off with an inaugural conference to set the scene for the overall theme. Political sessions then took place to raise awareness and engage public authorities, at both central and local levels, on the importance of supporting the SSE as a lever for youth employment.
Participants had the opportunity to attend practical workshops and master classes designed to build their capacities and train them in job creation in the SSE sector. A round table of technical and financial partners mobilized them around the SSE project support program. Another key moment was the Pitch competition for the “Initiatives Jeun'ESS” prize, where six finalist projects presented their ideas to a panel of experts.
However, one of the most important highlights was the signing of agreements between the ARDCI and the GSEF. This signature marks a decisive turning point for the development of the SSE in Côte d'Ivoire's territories, and for supporting youth and SSE dynamics across the African continent. These partnerships are essential for strengthening employment support for young people and promoting project incubation through the Abewe platform, which is a fundamental lever for the creation of sustainable jobs in the SSE field. This step reinforces our collective commitment to making the SSE a pillar of economic and social development for young people in Africa.
Recommendations arising from the forum
At the end of these rich exchanges, several recommendations were formulated to strengthen the SSE framework in Africa:
Legislative and regulatory framework:
1. Create or strengthen a regulatory framework favorable to SSE development,
2. Adopt territorial SSE public policies in favor of young people,
3. Promote SSE models such as territorial economic cooperation clusters and youth cooperatives.
SSE development incentives
1. Provide backing for the project support and monitoring program,
2. Set up a fund to support SSE projects,
3. Facilitate access to public procurement contracts,
4. Promote cooperation and public-private partnerships.
In terms of capacity building
1. Support research and social innovation,
2. Raise awareness and train elected representatives, local and regional managers, youth action professionals, the private sector and social entrepreneurs in cooperation and SSE values,
3. Provide technical support for youth initiatives and incubation centers,
4. Set up a network of mentors;
5. Develop a network of support structures for SSE enterprises and initiatives in Africa, with a view to exchanging procedures and experiences.
General measures
1. Produce quantified data to support relevant decision-making,
2. Develop and establish a common, shared understanding of the SSE,
3. Enhance volunteering as a strategy for promoting the SSE,
4. Carry out a diagnosis of the SSE, based on a map providing an overview of the reality of the SSE in our territories.
As part of the support program and the organization of the next edition of the Forum
1. Set up a restricted technical committee to draw up the terms of reference for a regional workshop to operationalize the program;
2. Carry out an exchange and evaluation mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has officially requested the organizers, to ensure effective preparation of the next edition of the SSE Young Leaders Forum.
The Initiatives Booklet ("Cahier d'Initiatives"): a showcase for innovative projects
The Initiatives Booklet was another important component of the event. This document highlights 40 SSE projects led by young people from eight African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal and Togo. These projects are concrete responses to the specific needs of local communities, while promoting an inclusive and sustainable economy.
From these projects, six finalists were selected to take part in a pitch competition before a jury of experts. Three of them were chosen as winners and will have the chance to represent Africa at the GSEF Global SSE Forum in Bordeaux in 2025. These projects are led by young people determined to meet the social and environmental challenges of their territories, while promoting inclusion.
GSEF's SSE Youth Hub in Africa is committed to closely monitoring the progress of these projects and supporting their development through appropriate support programs. This includes training, technical assistance and support for the incubation of their initiatives.
Forum assessment: A collective success!
In conclusion, the Young Leaders Forum on SSE created a fruitful space for exchange between young people, public and private players, as well as technical and financial partners. It not only strengthened the capacities of young social entrepreneurs, but also laid the foundations for sustainable support for SSE projects in Africa. The forum set the stage for enhanced cooperation to build a more inclusive, supportive and sustainable future for Africa's youth.
This 2nd edition of the Young Leaders Forum on SSE was only possible thanks to the unwavering commitment of Fabrice Adelphe Balou, Africa Co-pilot of the GSEF'sSSE Youth Hub, and Mr. Jules Kenan-Kollé, Executive Director of ARDCI!
See you in 2026 for the 3rd African edition of the Young Leaders Forum on SSE, which may take place in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This 3rd forum will be coordinated with the 2nd edition of the FORA'ESS, thr African SSE Forum, to be held in Brazzaville in early 2026.