RIPESS LAC: 2020 November-December Newsletter

RIPESS is a global network of continental networks committed to the promotion of Social Solidarity Economy. The member networks themselves (Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania) bring together national and sectorial networks, thus ensuring strong territorial anchoring. The combined global and local scope gives RIPESS legitimacy to promote SSE, foster intercontinental cooperation, and advocate at different levels. 

RIPESS LAC (Latin American and the Caribbean) brings together various community-based, associative, co-operative and mutual organizations as well as citizens’ movements that work towards the implementation of solidarity economy in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. 

RIPESS LAC work focuses on four main themes of solidarity finance, fair trade and responsible consumption, advocacy and building public policies, and development of coordination and economic inclusion mechanisms.
For more information about their work in the region, please read more from the latest RIPESS LAC Newsletter! (only in Spanish available)