Observatory of Social Transformations (OTS)

Member since: 
April 2020

The Observatory of Social Transformations (OTS) is, above all, a new body of action research whose main purpose is the analysis and explanation of societal dynamics of Moroccan society, and of the Maghreb in general, all the while taking into consideration the research teams’ concerns on a national and international comparative level. This observatory is also a response structure, among decision-makers belonging to diverse institutions and organizations, to consolidate good governance and institutional reforms. On the one hand, OTS works upstream with research institutes, think tanks, foundations, and many different organizations involved in financing scientific research; on the other hand, it works downstream with public and private decision-makers seeking advice from researchers and consultants. 

The Observatory’s objectives are both scientific and practical. It is a public forum where diverse areas of expertise are welcome. Its ambitions are to keep up with society’s complex transformations, understand how they overlap, and, in turn, achieve evidence-based scientific breakthroughs and analyze traditional cultures. The OTS can give its opinion on public policy related to governance and SSE. It happens to be an important part of its approach because many changes are either propelled or regulated by different segments of the public sector. Thanks to its analyses and its actions, the OTS aims to contribute to elucidating the issues and debates that these various organizations bring to the public arena. In fact, its goal is to provide the necessary information to decision-makers and leaders of social and societal stakeholders in order for them to advance strategies for fair social development.

The Observatory of Social Transformations’ Secretariat is based at the Education Department of Mohammed V Souissi University (Morocco).