Network of Cameroon Mayors for Social and Solidarity Economy (REMCESS)

Created in July 2019 as a project initiated by the International Action Sector of GROUPE SOS, funded by AIMF (International Association of Francophone Mayors) and in collaboration with PFAC (France-Africa Partnernship for Codevelopment), the Network of Cameroon Mayors for Social and Solidarity Economy (REMCESS) is a non-partisan network which aims to push local communities to develop social and solidarity economy as an essential tool for local economic development.
REMCESS brings together local communities that wish to engage themselves and support a coherent strategy of support to entities that, through a generation of own resources, contribute to solving social problems all while aiding in the preservation of the environment.
REMCESS is a member of the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF), the United Councils and Cities of Cameroon (UCCC) and United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA). The Network has also developed partnerships with Cités Unies France (CUF) and the Network of Local Authorities for a Solidarity Economy (RTES).
The implementation of uniform advocacy actions to all members in order to provide the mayors with the necessary means to develop SSE in their territory.
Support of the communes
Specific technical support for each member of the Network so that local authorities can be better equipped to accompany the OESS.
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