Recent Evolution of the Social Economy in the European Union

Title: Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union
Publisher: European Economic and Social Committee
Year: 2017
Approximately one in ten employments is made in the social economy sector in Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. And these jobs have been shown better resilience in times of economic crisis. What makes Europe stands out in comparison to other continents? And What type of social economy public policies, civil society movements are underway in Europe? European Economic and Social Committee has published ‘Recent Evolutions of the social economy in the European Union' for mapping the social economy development status in Europe from 2010 – 2016. The report consists of mainly three parts
1) The social economy and the emergent concepts/ movements related to the space between states and market/for-profit business
2) The public policies in their broad sense built both at the EU and the Member countries in recent years to enhance the social economy sector
3) Measuring the weight of the social economy in each EU member country.