Plenary Speakers
In alphabetical order by first name
“The Role of the Social Economy in Urban Regeneration and its Impact on Societal Well-Being” |
Marguerite MENDELL
Director, Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, Concordia University, Montreal (Canada) |
“Innovative partnerships to revitalize communities: lessons from Quebec”
President/Executive Director, Chantier, Québec (Canada)
“Make Hope Possible Rather than Despair Convincing”: Local Communities at the Heart of the Social
Director, Community Organizing at Locality (UK) |
Case Study Speakers
In alphabetical order by first name |
“Sustainability in Social Economy: Seoul Case Study”
PARK Wonsoon
Mayor, Seoul (Republic of Korea) |
“Sustainability in Social Economy: Bologna and Emilia Romagna Case Studies” |
Virginio MEROLA
Mayor, Bologna (Italy) |
“’Power of Kyoto’ To Boast in The World – Future-oriented City Based on The Tradition” |
FUJITA Hiroyuki
Deputy Mayor, Kyoto (Japan) |
“How well social economy is integrated in the City and how it deals with social issues such as job creation, social economical inequality”
Vice-Mayor, Quezon (Philliphine)
"Sustainability in Social Economy: Québec Case Study" |
Québec Delegate General, Government of Québec, Québec (Canada) |
“Building Better Governance for Social Economy in Seoul” |
Kyong yong SONG
The Co-chairman of GSEF 2013 Organising Committee
President, Seoul Social Economy Network (Republic of Korea) |