Breakout Session 10 |
Session Organiser: Chantier de l’économie sociale
Introduction |
The Chantier de l'économie sociale is an independent organization whose goal is to promote and
develop the social economy as an integral part of Quebéc’s socio-economic infrastructure and as
an essential component of a new model of development. A non-profit corporation, Chantier brings
together a wide range of stakeholders who work in partnership and collaborate with government to
build a strong social economy in Quebéc.
The Chantier has a broad membership based on existing networks and territorial structures. The
Board of Directors of the Chantier is composed of 35 elected representatives from networks of social
economy enterprises (associations and cooperatives) representing various sectors of the economy,
networks of local development organisations in urban and rural areas, social movements including
labour and women organisations and representatives of the research community and Quebéc’s First
Nations. The Board plays a role of guidance and strategic positioning. The Chantier de l’économie
sociale has strong ties with the regions of Quebéc through direct partnership agreements with 22
regional poles mainly composed of social economy enterprises and the regional organizations that
support them. The poles’ mission is to promote the social economy and to enable dialogue and
partnership between local and regional stakeholders of the social economy in order to coordinate
actions and maximize the impact initiatives of and for the SSE.
In October 2013, new framework legislation on the social economy was adopted by the Quebéc
National Assembly. The new Social Economy Law recognizes the Chantier de l’économie sociale as
one of the two principal partners of the Quebéc Government to continue to support and develop the
social economy in Quebéc. |
Impacts |
Since its creation, the Chantier has been instrumental in building a strong movement in favour of the
social economy through promotion, mobilisation and networking. The focus of its work is to create
favorable conditions for the development of social economy enterprises in communities across
Quebéc. It has played a leading role in the co-construction of public policy in favour of the social
economy with the Quebéc government and with municipalities. In 2009, it was one of the signing
partners of the City of Montréal’s ‘Partnership for the Social Economy in Montreal’.
Its members are responsible for many of the advances in the Quebéc economy such as the
development of new services, access to culture, poverty reduction, the revitalization of communities,
workplace democracy, environmental protection and improved inclusion of young people.
The Chantier has developed several tools to create favorable conditions for the development of the
SE: In 1997, it initiated the creation of the CSMO-ESAC, the Workforce Development Council for the
Social Economy and the Community Sector. In 1997, it created the first investment fund dedicated to
social economy enterprises, RISQ (Social Investment Network of Quebéc) and in 2007 it created the
Chantier de l’économie sociale Trust, an innovative investment fund that offers ‘patient capital’ to
collective enterprises .In 2012, it launched a new initiative to support commercialization through a
transactional platform, Commerce solidaire.
The Chantier has also been deeply involved in international exchanges and is a member of RIPESS,
an intercontinental network dedicated to the promotion of the social and solidarity economy. After
organizing a major International Forum on the Social and Solidarity Economy, in 2011, it created
the International Centre for Referencing and Networking on Public Policy for the SSE (RELIESS) and
continues to participate in the promotion of the social and solidarity economy at the international
(In Quebéc, the social economy consists of approximately 7000 enterprises; these are cooperatives
and non-profit organizations working in 20 economic sectors (arts and culture, food, retail,
the environment, collective real estate, leisure and tourism, information technology and
communications, media, manufacturing, personal services, etc.). |