- Sessions Overview
- Speakers
Breakout Session 14
Session Organiser:
iCOOP KOREA is a consumer co-operative.
iCOOP KOREA is a co-operative enterprise to spread ethical consumption and production based on business consumers and producers manage together. Members’ co-operation and participation lead iCOOP KOREA to create an alternative to meet members’ needs and issues in everyday life. Disclosure of information, effective management system, and members’ selection of products contribute to heighten Korean food safety standards. iCOOP KOREA practices ethical consumerism ‘to protect ourselves, our neighbors and the world’ for happiness of all members.
Core Values
Solidarity and Contribution
Ethical Consumption
Ethical Production
Education and Autonomy
Invited Organizer:
Legacoop Bologna
Legacoop Emilia Romagna - Background information
Legacoop is a member of the International Co-operative Alliance and Cooperatives Europe, the largest European co-operative representative body set up in November 2006 in Manchester.
The associative structure of Legacoop is organised at national, regional and territorial level. Each level has an autonomous legal status.
The associative structure is also divided into autonomous Sector Associations, which organise their co-operatives depending on their sector of activity.
Legacoop Bologna is one of the main local unit in Emilia-Romagna. It represents 200 associated companies with a production value of more than € 9 billion, 500,000 members and 16,500 employees. Some of the co-operatives members of Legacoop Bologna are leader of the market in the social, consumers and services sectors.
Franca Guglielmetti (President, CADIAI/Legacoop (Italy) )