- Sessions Overview
- Speakers
Breakout Session 9
Session Organiser:
Seoul Regional Cooperative Council
(Est. 2013)
1. Rational of the establishment of Council
1) The necessity for the establishment of Council
The activation of the private sector-led cooperative movement and succession of the standard achievements of Korean cooperative movement and formation of the camp of private sector
Existence of tasks which can not be done by one single co-op

Rising needs for establishing the horizontal private-private partnership for dealing with shared challenges among cooperatives
2) The purpose for the establishment of Council

Providing leading initiatives - values and principles for cooperations in Seoul

Formation of a sustainable growth through cooperation among cooperatives.
2. The role of Council and core businesses Ⅱ
1) The role of Council
Building the supporting system for independence and invigoration of cooperatives

Carrying out midium-long term research for creating a better ecosystem of cooperatives

Forming a private partnership on a flat private-private cooperation
2) Core Businesses (2013)
  A. Organizational Business
Back-up project for the activation of constitution a local association
- Constitute a cooperative for each local in over five areas annually

A small meeting studying the case study of activities by Cooperative Association in each local area.
Strengthening the network and augmenting the membership of Association
- Increasing the membership of locally cooperative association and organize categorized job meetings

Holding the Day of Cooperatives every month: small meetings, workshops, etc
  B. Education
Developing Educational Programmes
Providing basic education for the members of newly established cooperatives
  C. Investigative research
Conducting research studies for vitalizing transactions between member cooperatives
  D. Forming a policy partnership with the city of Seoul
Holding a one day conference with the Department of Social Economy, City of Seoul quarterly when necessary
Holding a policy debate with the mayor of Seoul once or twice a year
Invited Organizer:
Co-operative Education Trust Scotland (CETS)
CETS is an educational charity registered in Scotland and regulated by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

CETS aims to imbed co-operative values and principles and the co-operative model of enterprise at the heart of Scottish education. In its early years that was focussed on primary and secondary schools but since 2010, with the Knowledge Transfer Partnership support, it has developed resources for higher education.

All CETS resources are free downloads under the Creative Commons licence.

CETS also works directly with students and schools, occasionally providing grants, and helping make connections to co-operative businesses.

CETS is sponsored mainly by the Co-operative Movement in Scotland with The Co-operative Group and Scotmid (both Global 300 co-ops) being the main contributors. Co-operative Development Scotland &SAOS have also supported individual projects in recent years. There is currently no direct funding from either Scottish or UK Governments.
Hugh DONNELLY (Director Co-operative Education Trust Scotland, UK)