[SSE Organisation Review] - SIDI: International solidarity for development and investment

SSE Organisation
Social Finance / Impact Measurement

SIDI, International Solidarity for Development and Investment, is a social business recognised as such by the French authorities. Created in 1983 by the French NGO CCFD-Terre Solidaire, SIDI strives to contribute to the building of a more inclusive economy, which would give poor populations from Southern and Western countries a chance.

Serving the financial inclusion

SIDI promotes the financial inclusion of vulnerable populations, thus turning finance into an adapted tool, by strengthening a network of local actors of economic development, such as:

  • Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) which tailor their services for populations excluded from traditional banking, especially in rural areas,
  • Producers’ Organisations (POs) working to secure and increase the small-scale farmers’ revenues
  • Promoters of community-based financing.SIDI contributes to the strengthening of its partners, an thus to the durability of their clients, by providing them with technical assistance and financial support.

A Solidarity finance chain



A pioneer in the field of solidarity finance in France, SIDI has been mobilizing, for more than thirty years, institutions and individuals alike, who prioritize a human, social, environmental return instead of a financial one. SIDI's technical assistance is funded thanks to the shared income of the mutual fund “Faim & Développement”; whereas SIDI's investments are funded by its shareholders. This “Solidarity Finance Chain” is what lets SIDI innovate, take risks and work on a long-term basis towards the sustainability of its partners.


La sidi en chiffres - ENG



 SIDI’s shares and the mutual fund “Faim & Développement” have both been approved by the Finansol label, which guarantees the solidarity and transparency of savings products, since 1997.