[GSEF2018] Youth Session : How the young actors have changed the society through SSE? _ Kampala City, Uganda

ESS Organisations
Youth / Education
GSEF 2018 YOUTH SESSION – Conseillére à la Jeunesse, Ville de Kampala, UGANDA

Presented at: GSEF2018, Bilbao, Spain
Organization: Chantier De L’économie Sociale
Date: Oct 1st, 2018
Presenter: Awaali Shamim Namusisi
Title: Youth Participation in Social and Solidarity Economy: The Kampala Experience


As a developing country, Uganda is experiencing the challenges of growth. In particular, they are experiencing challenges about the collective economic transformation. Therefore, they are working on the possibility of human organization and mobilization through associations, unions, cooperatives, and community organizations that pursue the common good.

For example, there are Strive for The African Child and Youth Initiative (STACYI) Kampala, a youth-driven organization to improve awareness of HIV/AIDS, rehabilitate rescue street children, self-help initiatives etc., and their results were astonishing. However, these forms are still new ones, and the government has been trying to support these types.

In many areas, they are working to create these new initiatives, but in reality, there are many problems. First, NGOs and CBOs take too long to register.  Secondly, there is a financial problem which is difficult to pay for the operating cost of the project and employing due to limited resources. Banks are also uncooperative, sticking to existing credit policies. Finally, there is the difficulty of political intervention from mutually exclusive political groups. However, these difficulties can be overcome if we discuss and work with youth.